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Knowledge Doc: NNMi: servlet response error when opening NNMi dashboard due to missing "system" user in IDM


This document will guide the user on how to fix the servlet response error due to missing "system" user in IDM


NNMi: Network Node Manager i
NOM: Network Operations Management
Version: 2022.11


NNMi integrates with NOM, when opening the NNMi dashboard, it does not load and shows the pop-up with the error "servlet response error"

From the <NnmDataDir>/log/nnm/nnm.log:

<Date> ERROR [org.jboss.ejb3.tx2.impl.CMTTxInterceptor] javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Forbidden Error From IDM. Please ensure that correct NNMi user credentials are synced to IDM and required permissions are assigned to them.
<Date> INFO  [com.hp.ov.nms.ui.framework.analysispanels.PanelDataProcessor] Could not create panel data for com.hp.ov.nps.sdk.dashboard.NPSAnalysisDataProvider@3ccb3151: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Forbidden Error From IDM. Please ensure that correct NNMi user credentials are synced to IDM and required permissions are assigned to them.: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Forbidden Error From IDM. Please ensure that correct NNMi user credentials are synced to IDM and required permissions are assigned to them.
at org.jboss.ejb3.tx2.impl.CMTTxInterceptor.handleInCallerTx(


Follow the document to create a system user with administrator privileges in IDM

Read the complete knowledge article


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