Hello all,
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, I want a very simple thing and that is to pass JSON to input variable, the flow currently does nothing just take the variable and display it.
{ "flowUuid": "3368f425-b95b-4674-b69c-582246ee93af", "runName": "json test", "inputs": { "input1": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} } }
It always returns error 500 - "A general error has occurred. Contact your administrator for more details." which does not say anything what's wrong...
However, I can pass a single value to input1 like this:
{ "flowUuid": "3368f425-b95b-4674-b69c-582246ee93af", "runName": "json test", "inputs": { "input1": "value1", } }
And this works fine... but what if I have huge json with multiple included sub keys etc... I need to pass it inside OO and deal with it there... so far no luck.