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Reset "administrator" password in OO Central

I'm not able to login with internal or LDAP user in OO Central.

I tried the following things but without luck:
1. UPDATE oo_config_items SET value = 'false' WHERE (key_ = 'users.authentication.enabled'); in DB
2. oosh set-sys-config --key capture.loggedin.user.credentials --value false in ooSH
3. How can i change admin(default) account password from other account

I'm looking for a way to reset my Internal user password. I have access to DB.

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    I am not sure what has been changed after above steps were performed. I suggest that you open a support ticket we will look into all configurations to enable the login..

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    At the end I restore the DB from snapshot. From Here I login to the DB and change the "password_renew_date" for the "administrator" user for the future.
    This prevent me from locking the user