Hi Community,
We need to do ssl configuration in APM, currently we have one gateway and one dps , do we have online documentation for this? and after this any configuration changes to be done on bpm end also?
DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
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Hi Community,
We need to do ssl configuration in APM, currently we have one gateway and one dps , do we have online documentation for this? and after this any configuration changes to be done on bpm end also?
Hi Srinath,
In case you want to apply SSL configuration with a self-signed certificate, you can check following guide that is related to configure APM and SiteScope integration, but since you just require to configure APM SSL side, you can just follow first part:
Link with document belongs to the following:
In case you require to implement SSL in APM with a CA certificate, please follow this guide:
Based on BPM side, if you implement hardening to BPM, you will need to follow this documentation:
It is very important to make sure that APM Gateway Server URL for Data Collectors that can be found over following path:
APM GUI -> admin -> Platform -> Infrastructure Settings
Foundations: Platform Administration
Host Configuration -> Default Virtual Gateway Server for Data Collectors URL
Is configured over BPM instance in BPM Console correctly.
As well, it is important to exchange certificates between APM JRE/JRE64 cacerts and BPM JRE cacerts:
Command to import APM certificate in BPM will be the following:
C:\MF\BPM\JRE\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <your server> -keystore <truststore path> -file <path to certificate>
Note: The default truststore path is: <BPM installation directory>\MF\BPM\JRE\lib\security\cacerts
Note: Password from cacerts truststore belongs to changeit
Command to import BPM certificate in APM truststores will be the following:
C:\HPBSM\JRE\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <your server> -keystore <truststore path> -file <path to certificate>
Note: The default truststore path are <APM installation directory>\\JRE\lib\security\cacerts and <APM installation directory>\\JRE64\lib\security\cacerts
Note: Password from cacerts truststore belongs to changeit
You will need to import BPM certificate in both Truststores.
After importing certificates, restart APM and BPM services.