Monitoring Edge not sending metric data to Operations Bridge - Containerized

We have Operations Bridge - Containerized 24.1 with OPTIC , OBM , BVD ,etc on prem.  We recently installed Monitoring Edge 24.1 server on one of customer remote location with AMC,HSO capability 24.1. After installation, Data broker pod got certificate from Containerized OBM successfully and Probe got register into RTSM. we have created collector for Kubernetes and vCenter into Edge. Collector collection successfully happening as per status. we are also get the Topology onto RTSM . But we are not able to see the metric data into Optic.

After checking the edge itom-monitoring-admin pod logs , we are see below error. as per error, metric data trying to send on itom-di-administration-svc. This does not make any sense, this pod is not available on edge server. It must send the data to Operation Bridge external Host on port 30001. Please help me to understand this issue. 

2024-06-17T13:11:14.510Z  ERROR  line:46  thread:Timer-1  class:ThresholdMetricsPublisherJob  message:Error while pushing for Threshold metrics to redisorg.springframework.web.server.ResponseStatusException: 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE "DI Admin is unavailableI/O error on GET request for "">itom-di-administration-svc:18443/.../dataSetConfiguration": itom-di-administration-svc: Name or service not known"

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    We have upgraded Edge 24.2  and now URL seems correct, but it looks like it asking certificate to connect. Can you please let me know how to generate certificate at Container end and how to install on edge, So it start sending metric to Optic Data bus.

    time="2024-06-18T10:37:56Z" level=info msg="Initiating the DES server check for availability" Application=Result-Processor file="task.go:189" func="task.CheckDESStatus()"
    time="2024-06-18T10:37:56Z" level=error msg="DES server is not available with status code 0 and error failed to request with error: Get \"\": remote error: tls: certificate required and with time taken to respond: 21.888163ms" Application=Result-Processor file="task.go:237" func="task.checkServerAvailability()"
    time="2024-06-18T10:38:50Z" level=info msg="Statistics for last 60 seconds: total request sent= 0, success requests= 0, failed requests= 0, HTTP status code (429) requests= 0, requests pushed back to collector= 0, count of requests sent to SNF= 0, count of requests sent to DES= 0, avg response time for DES= 0 nanoseconds, avg response time for SNF= 0 nanoseconds" Application=Result-Processor file="stats.go:37" func="task.LogStatistics()"