[HELP] Error message OpC30-164 in OA12

Hello, everyone,

I have the following problem with an OA agent encapsulator logfile.

I have deployed a logfile encapsulator on a node to be checked, the template launches a script which then produces a log file from which I go to read the produced string and eventually generate related alerts.

The template is set to be read each time from the beginning.

I keep getting the same error over and over again:

"Command '/var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation/checkshowinfo.sh' configured in policy 'BBNS_CheckShowInfo' exceeds timeout OPC_LE_CMD_WAIT_TIME (15 sec).
Terminating command and ignoring this logfile. (OpC30-164)"

On the other hand, I set the indicated parameter to 600 (/opt/OV/bin/ovconfchg -ns eagt -set OPC_LE_CMD_WAIT_TIME 600) seconds and restarted the agent but it still gives me the same error.
Also I have the impression that the template does not launch the script every time as it should.

The agent version is 12.22.007.

Can anyone help me with this?

Regards, Roberto

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    Just an observation: You may have specified a wrong namespace, should be eaagt . That may be why you do not see a change after setting the variable.

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    Hi Marc,

    thank you for pointing that out, I edited the command and relaunched it.

    I will observe the situation and then if right I will update the post.

    Again thank you and regards, Roberto.

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    I hope the change you made resolves your isssue.

    Setting the policy to read each time from the beginning is typically used if a new file is created each time you read the log file.

    The parameter is defined as docs.microfocus.com/.../opcle:



    View Fullscreen



    Default Value


    Class of the variable




    Restart Required


    Introduced since 

    > OA 8.60

    Applicable Platforms

    UNIX/Linux environments only

    Related variables


    Short Description

    Maximum wait time for opcle to wait for the child processes to complete the task and get the status back. By default, opcle waits for 15 seconds. If the child doesn't return by this time, opcle kills the child process. This variable is applicable only in the UNIX/Linux environments.

    Long Description

    In the log file policy source path of the policy, instead of specifying the actual logfile or logfiles names, the user can specify a command or script which returns a log file or any number of log file names. During each polling interval, the command specified in the policy will be executed to dynamically determine the list of log files that are to be monitored.

    But there may be certain cases when this command/script may take a long time to run. In such cases, the variable 'OPC_LE_CMD_WAIT_TIME' can be set so that once the time out happens the long running processes is killed. This is the maximum time that a command started by Opcle can run to complete the task.

    If it runs longer than the value specified for this variable, Opcle will kill it.

    The default value is 15 seconds. Hence, if a script or command is known to take more than 15 seconds to run, then this variable can be set accordingly.

    For example, consider a script which may take more than 30 seconds to complete. Then, this variable can be to 30 so that Opcle waits for 30 secs before killing the started process and going for further processing.

    Below is the error message when a process that exceeds the default timeout of 15 seconds is killed:

    " Command '/tmp/mydate.sh' configured in policy 'mydatele' exceeds timeout OPC_LE_CMD_WAIT_TIME (15 sec).\n\

    Terminating command and ignoring this logfile. "


    If not, what does the /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation/checkshowinfo.sh do?

    All the best.

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    Hi Duncan and Marc,

    thank you for your help, the issue it's solved now, with the new OPC_LE_CMD_WAIT_TIME parameters.

    Thanks and regards, Roberto.