Hello, everyone,
I have the following problem with an OA agent encapsulator logfile.
I have deployed a logfile encapsulator on a node to be checked, the template launches a script which then produces a log file from which I go to read the produced string and eventually generate related alerts.
The template is set to be read each time from the beginning.
I keep getting the same error over and over again:
"Command '/var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation/checkshowinfo.sh' configured in policy 'BBNS_CheckShowInfo' exceeds timeout OPC_LE_CMD_WAIT_TIME (15 sec).
Terminating command and ignoring this logfile. (OpC30-164)"
On the other hand, I set the indicated parameter to 600 (/opt/OV/bin/ovconfchg -ns eagt -set OPC_LE_CMD_WAIT_TIME 600) seconds and restarted the agent but it still gives me the same error.
Also I have the impression that the template does not launch the script every time as it should.
The agent version is 12.22.007.
Can anyone help me with this?
Regards, Roberto