Failed to run script to return log file path and log name

Hi guys,

I need to monitor 3 log paths: /tmp/OM/X.1/log/server.log, /tmp/OM/X.2/log/server.log, /tmp/OM/X.3/log/server.log.

I created a script, saved as '/tmp/OM/' and ran test OK on server.


# Array of log file paths

# Loop through each log file path
for path in "${log_paths[@]}"
    # Extract the directory path and filename
    dirname=$(dirname "$path")
    filename=$(basename "$path")

    # Print the directory path and filename
    echo "Path: $dirname, Filename: $filename"

-sh-4.2$ bash /tmp/OM/
Path: /tmp/OM/X.1/log, Filename: server.log
Path: /tmp/OM/X.2/log, Filename: server.log
Path: /tmp/OM/X.3/log, Filename: server.log

I followed instruction in OBM document: "Script or command that returns the path and name of the log file you want to access. For example, type <`command`> where command is the name of a script that returns the path and name of the log file you want the policy to read." 

I put <'/tmp/OM/'> in Log file path section but Event says "The process '/tmp/OM/' terminated with a non-zero exit code. (OpC20-432)"

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support