Hello experts,
We run OBM with an architecture of 2 DPSs and 3 GWs, including a mirrored DR site. During our upgrade tests to version 24.2, we need to ensure the DR site is operational. We do this by starting the environment with a temporary DB replicated from the active site and cleaning it as if we were doing a real DR rotation, allowing us to verify everything is in place if we need to switch the service there.
However, this raises a problem: when OBM is active at both sites, the Load Balancing rules get disrupted. Using the documentation verifications (https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Operations_Bridge_Manager/24.2/HaLbGw), both environments return the expected strings during this brief overlap:
- Send String: topaz/topaz_api/loadBalancerVerify_centers.jsp
- Receive String: Success
- Send String: GET /gtw/serviceStatus
- Receive String: RUNNING
Is there a way to programmatically indicate that OBM is under maintenance or "disabled", so the returned strings differ from "Success" or "RUNNING"? Any infrastructure setting that achieves something similar? I tested the "Disable Receiving of Events" setting, but it doesn’t seem suitable for our scenario.
Thank you in advance.