Sitescope unable to read cacerts

Hi all,

We recently upgraded our sitescope to 23.4 (from 2022.05)
There were a couple of blips but all told the upgrade went well.
However going into preferences, Certificate management results in an error.

ERROR - failed to load keystore from E:\SiteScope\java\lib\security\cacerts Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

I eventually figured out the cacerts did not have the password I specified during the upgrade process.
I'm assuming the old cacerts file was restored from my backup and hence the password does not match.
So on another machine I have done a clean install and verified preferences, Certificate management shows the certificates.
I have also used keytool to verify the password works.

So now to my question, copying the base cacerts file over to E:\SiteScope\java\lib\security is not a problem, BUT how do I tell sitescope the password to use to open this cacerts file? 

Thanks in advance for any help.
