Tools : Could not get OS type failed due to the SSL error - OMI ok - KO GUI


I have some issue since we migrated our opsbridge on external k8s (version 24.1).

We try to launch several tools using the ovdeploy command like : 

ovdeploy -cmd "date" -host MYNODE.MYDOMAIN -ovrg server from OBM GUI (monitored nodes -> right click -> tools -> my_tool with the upper command).

Everytime the output is :

ERROR: (depl-228) Could not get OS type.
(sec.core-113) SSL certificate verification error (The presented peer
certificate is not trusted. The certificate verification chain could
not be built.).

On my node in System.txt i have severals errors like that :

0: WRN: Mon Sep 16 13:22:46 2024: ovbbccb (229274/140365692237568): (bbc-90) The incoming HTTPS client connection from host failed due to the SSL error:
1: WRN: Mon Sep 16 13:22:46 2024: ovbbccb (229274/140365692237568): (sec.core-116) An SSL connection IO error has occurred. This may be due to a network problem or an SSL handshake error. Possible causes for SSL handshake errors are that no certificate is installed, an invalid certificate is installed, or the peer does not trust the initiator's certificate.

My certificat is ok : 

ovcert -check

OvCoreId set : OK
Private key installed : OK
Certificate installed : OK
Certificate valid : OK
Trusted certificates installed : OK
Trusted certificates valid : OK

Check succeeded.

and other "simple tool" like ovpolicy -list working fine.

Moreover from OMI I have a answer : 

omiuser@omi-0:/> ovdeploy -cmd "date" -host MYNODE_MYDOMAIN -ovrg server
Mon Sep 16 15:13:07 CEST 2024

Has anyone encountered this problem? 


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    Yes, the communication is also good : 

    [root@XXXX ~]# bbcutil -ping MYOPSBRIDGE

    status=eServiceOK coreID=6bcb524e-87ec-75df-0692-a264d37d7349
    bbcV=12.25.006 appN=ovbbccb appV=12.25.006 conn=37 time=42 ms

    FROM HOST <-> OMI 

    I can spam several time no issue