log file monitoring tool at Site scope

Dears ;

Appreciate your urgent support with Site scope alerts, As I want the file monitor to look for a file with a particular extension ".LOCK"   as I tried many times but with no luck , I cannot get the monitor to look for just file extension not any word could contained "Lock" at file name.  Is there some way to achieve what I want & How please ?

I tried to use   /.lock/ but not working.


Nourhan Amin

  • Verified Answer


    I suggest to check the online docs... the regular expression is done in "Content Match" which is what to search IN THE log file...

    instead, check this info:

    Log file path

    Path to the log file you want to monitor.

    • For reading log files on remote Windows servers using the NetBIOS method, use UNC to specify the path to the remote log file.

    Example: \\remoteserver\sharedfolder\filename.log

    • For reading log files on remote Windows servers using the SSH method, specify the local path of the remote log file on the remote machine.

    Example: C:\Windows\System32\filename.logYou must also select the corresponding remote Windows SSH server in the Servers box. For details on configuring a remote Windows server for SSH, see Configure SiteScope to Monitor Remote Windows Servers.

    You can also monitor files local to the server where SiteScope is running.
    Example: C:\application\appLogs\access.log

    Optionally, you can use special date and time regular expression variables to match log file names that include date and time information. For example, you can use a syntax of s/ex$shortYear$$0month$$0day$.log/ to match a current date-coded log file. For details on using regular expressions, refer to SiteScope Date Variables and Examples for Log File MonitoringPolicies.