Variable handling
I am programming a script in appscript.
executes in an action in an SBM form. the execution ends in the execution of a .bat with parameters.
The first inconvenience is the value of one of these variables (description,of type text), which is a text field with spaces and the .bat receives x number of parameters, I need to send all of these as one, I tried several options but they didn't work for me. the second drawback is handling with dates. (fecha_inicio of type datetime)
and the third is the user who started the workflow(requested_byof type user)
I share my code, any contribution will be very well received. thank you
Option Explicit ' MODIFY THIS CONSTANT FOR YOUR DATABASE ' -------------------------------------- const rp_id = "ISSUEID" const cmdb_ci = "TMPSIGLA" const description = "DESCRIPTION" const fecha_inicio = "TEMP_SCHEDULE_START_DATE" const requested_by = "RLM_DEVELOPER" ' Name of the field we will work with ' MODIFY THIS CONSTANT FOR YOUR SYSTEM ' ------------------------------------ ' Path to the .BAT file const SCRIPT = "D:\Serena\Scripts\Service-now\crear.bat" LaunchBatchFile ' Gather params from item fields, pass them to .BAT file. Sub LaunchBatchFile() Dim exitCode, irp_id, icmdb_ci, idescription, ifecha_inicio, irequested_by Call Shell.Item.GetFieldValue( rp_id, irp_id) Call Shell.Item.GetFieldValue( cmdb_ci, icmdb_ci) Call Shell.Item.GetFieldValue( cmdb_ci, idescription) Call Shell.Item.GetFieldValue( requested_by, irequested_by) Call Shell.Item.GetFieldValue( fecha_inicio, ifecha_inicio) ' Run the .BAT file with params exitCode = Ext.NewTaskWait(SCRIPT, irp_id, icmdb_ci, idescription) End Sub