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email fetching error

Hello ,

i am trying to create a connect scenario to fetch emails. 


i have outlook installed on the same machine and the profile configured but when ever i try to connect from CIT i get the attached error .


Please help 

  • 1) is there some more information in log ?

    2) Outlook is connected and working properly?

  • the email is working , and this is what i get in the logs

    Java JVM options: '-Dlog4j.configuration=file:C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/Connect-It 9.60 en/config/shared/ -Dprgn.log4j.appenders=wpp -Dprgn.log4j.logfile.maxsize=5MB Files (x86)/HP/Connect-It 9.60 en/bin/conitjava.log -Dprgn.log4j.logfile.threshold=off -Dprgn.log4j.threshold=info -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/Connect-It 9.60 en/lib/endorsed/ -Xrs'.
    2016/02/10 12:53:52.831 1 4 Starting Java...
    2016/02/10 12:53:53.086 0 4 Starting monitors...
    2016/02/10 12:53:54.430 1 4 Activating monitor 'Document log'...
    2016/02/10 12:54:4.242 0 4 Starting server...
    2016/02/10 12:54:4.243 1 4 Server started on port 4294957073.
    2016/02/10 12:54:4.711 0 16 Starting wizard
    2016/02/10 12:54:22.633 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxy' with value '0' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:22.649 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyServer' with value '' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:22.649 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPort' with value '0' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:22.649 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyUser' with value '' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:22.664 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPassword' with value '' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:46.211 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxy' with value '0' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:46.227 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyServer' with value '' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:46.227 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPort' with value '0' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:46.227 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyUser' with value '' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:46.243 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPassword' with value '' is unknown.
    2016/02/10 12:54:46.258 0 4 Automatically loading configuration files from folder 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HP\\Connect-It 9.60 en\\config\\mail\\'...
    2016/02/10 12:54:46.258 1 4 Automatically loading configuration files from folder 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HP\\Connect-It 9.60 en\\config\\mail\\'...
    2016/02/10 12:54:59.618 0 4 Saving scenario 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HP\\Connect-It 9.60 en\\scenario\\fetch.scn'...
    2016/02/10 12:54:59.633 0 4 Opening connector 'E-Mail (fetching) (Microsoft MAPI: Outlook)'...
    2016/02/10 12:54:59.665 1 4 Connecting to the messaging server...
    2016/02/10 12:54:59.665 2 1 (-499) Messaging error (MAPI): error code -2147467259
    2016/02/10 12:54:59.664 1 1 (-53) Unable to open the 'E-Mail (fetching) (Microsoft MAPI: Outlook)' connector.
    2016/02/10 12:57:2.901 0 4 Operation completed (RC=0)

  • can you display screenshot of "Define the connection parameters" page of Wizard ?

  • What is the version of Connect IT and Outlook which you are using?

  • Connect it 9.60 and outlook 10 , is these some kind of proxy or security setting i need to add ?

  • you mean outlook 2010?

    I think this is compatiblity issue. 

    CIT 9.60 works well with outlook 2013

  • Or another cause could be Connect IT is 32 bit app and the outlook you are using could be 64bit.

  • Or another cause could be Connect IT is 32 bit app and the outlook you are using could be 64bit.

  • hello,

    this is the error i get first,

    if it's a compatibility how can i solve it?

  • Verified Answer

    I have seen this error, and this is how I solved it.

    Mine was Outlook 2016.

    Uninstalled it and installed Outlook 2013 and it worked.

    You mentioned that your outlook is version 10. I guess yours is Outlook 2010. 

    Please check if its 64 bit.  

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