Hello ,
i am trying to create a connect scenario to fetch emails.
i have outlook installed on the same machine and the profile configured but when ever i try to connect from CIT i get the attached error .
Please help
DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
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Hello ,
i am trying to create a connect scenario to fetch emails.
i have outlook installed on the same machine and the profile configured but when ever i try to connect from CIT i get the attached error .
Please help
the email is working , and this is what i get in the logs
Java JVM options: '-Dlog4j.configuration=file:C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/Connect-It 9.60 en/config/shared/log4j.properties -Dprgn.log4j.appenders=wpp -Dprgn.log4j.logfile.maxsize=5MB -Dprgn.log4j.logfile.name=C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/Connect-It 9.60 en/bin/conitjava.log -Dprgn.log4j.logfile.threshold=off -Dprgn.log4j.threshold=info -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:/Program Files (x86)/HP/Connect-It 9.60 en/lib/endorsed/ -Xrs'.
2016/02/10 12:53:52.831 1 4 Starting Java...
2016/02/10 12:53:53.086 0 4 Starting monitors...
2016/02/10 12:53:54.430 1 4 Activating monitor 'Document log'...
2016/02/10 12:54:4.242 0 4 Starting server...
2016/02/10 12:54:4.243 1 4 Server started on port 4294957073.
2016/02/10 12:54:4.711 0 16 Starting wizard
2016/02/10 12:54:22.633 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxy' with value '0' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:22.649 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyServer' with value '' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:22.649 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPort' with value '0' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:22.649 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyUser' with value '' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:22.664 1 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPassword' with value '' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:46.211 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxy' with value '0' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:46.227 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyServer' with value '' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:46.227 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPort' with value '0' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:46.227 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyUser' with value '' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:46.243 0 2 Configuration property 'EWSProxyPassword' with value '' is unknown.
2016/02/10 12:54:46.258 0 4 Automatically loading configuration files from folder 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HP\\Connect-It 9.60 en\\config\\mail\\'...
2016/02/10 12:54:46.258 1 4 Automatically loading configuration files from folder 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HP\\Connect-It 9.60 en\\config\\mail\\'...
2016/02/10 12:54:59.618 0 4 Saving scenario 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HP\\Connect-It 9.60 en\\scenario\\fetch.scn'...
2016/02/10 12:54:59.633 0 4 Opening connector 'E-Mail (fetching) (Microsoft MAPI: Outlook)'...
2016/02/10 12:54:59.665 1 4 Connecting to the messaging server...
2016/02/10 12:54:59.665 2 1 (-499) Messaging error (MAPI): error code -2147467259
2016/02/10 12:54:59.664 1 1 (-53) Unable to open the 'E-Mail (fetching) (Microsoft MAPI: Outlook)' connector.
2016/02/10 12:57:2.901 0 4 Operation completed (RC=0)
attached :)
What is the version of Connect IT and Outlook which you are using?
Connect it 9.60 and outlook 10 , is these some kind of proxy or security setting i need to add ?
you mean outlook 2010?
I think this is compatiblity issue.
CIT 9.60 works well with outlook 2013
Or another cause could be Connect IT is 32 bit app and the outlook you are using could be 64bit.
Or another cause could be Connect IT is 32 bit app and the outlook you are using could be 64bit.
this is the error i get first,
if it's a compatibility how can i solve it?
I have seen this error, and this is how I solved it.
Mine was Outlook 2016.
Uninstalled it and installed Outlook 2013 and it worked.
You mentioned that your outlook is version 10. I guess yours is Outlook 2010.
Please check if its 64 bit.
I have seen this error, and this is how I solved it.
Mine was Outlook 2016.
Uninstalled it and installed Outlook 2013 and it worked.
You mentioned that your outlook is version 10. I guess yours is Outlook 2010.
Please check if its 64 bit.