Below is our code and we are unable to call the API, issue lies with the headers.
// Define the URL
var url = "https://fqdn:13443/SM/7/IncidentManagement.wsdl";
// Define the headers array and add the "Cookie" header
var headers = [
["Cookie", "sails.sid=s%3AjrjtzQhAlmZX319NMKj4qQh2f5N8FO5n.1bKW9%2FSQ6Be6y3DgnYxJtVZ9SopZSzDpjyxWmNU%2FHKk"]
var WSDLrequest;
var reply;
var respHeaders = new Object();
try {
// Make the HTTP GET request
WSDLrequest = doHTTPRequest("GET", url, headers, null, 10, 10, null, respHeaders);
// Print response headers
print("The response headers of the doHTTPRequest are:");
for (var name in respHeaders) {
print(name + "=" + respHeaders[name]);
// Print the result of the doHTTPRequest
print("The result of the doHTTPRequest is:\n" + WSDLrequest);
// Write the response body to a file
reply = writeFile("C:\\IncidentManagement.wsdl", "text", WSDLrequest);
} catch (e) {
// Handle exceptions
print("WSDL request failed with exception:\n" + e);
Haniyya Rehan