JSON Request to update incident

Hi Gents,

I need to know the request body which I can use to update incident using REST

Below one is the SOAP which being used for the same

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../" xmlns:ns="">http://schemas.hp.com/SM/7" xmlns:com="">schemas.hp.com/.../Common" xmlns:xmime="">www.w3.org/.../xmlmime">
<ns:UpdateIncidentAUTINRequest attachmentInfo="" attachmentData="" ignoreEmptyElements="true" updateconstraint="-1">
<ns:model query="">
<ns:keys query="" updatecounter="">
<ns:IncidentID type="String" mandatory="" readonly="">IM4357394</ns:IncidentID>
<ns:instance query="" uniquequery="" recordid="" updatecounter="">
<ns:IncidentID type="String" mandatory="" readonly=""></ns:IncidentID>
<ns:ClosureCode type="String" mandatory="" readonly="">Resolved Successfully</ns:ClosureCode>
<ns:Solution type="Array">
<ns:Solution type="String" mandatory="" readonly="">This is solution line 1</ns:Solution>
<ns:Solution type="String" mandatory="" readonly="">This is solution line 2</ns:Solution>
<ns:Update type="Array">
<ns:Update type="String" mandatory="" readonly=""></ns:Update>
<ns:AUTINIncidentID type="String" mandatory="" readonly=""></ns:AUTINIncidentID>
<ns:Status type="String" mandatory="" readonly=""></ns:Status>
<ns:ExpectedResolutionTime type="DateTime" mandatory="" readonly=""></ns:ExpectedResolutionTime>
<com:attachment xmime:contentType="application/" href="" contentId="" action="" name="" type="" len="" charset="" upload.by="" upload.date="" attachmentType="">cid:1702968749506</com:attachment>
<com:message type="String" mandatory="" readonly="" severity="" module=""></com:message>

Please your support

  • 0

    Dears, what I need is just to know what is the JSON request which I can use to update an incident and submit the ClosureCode and the Solution

    When I use SOAP I can do this like below

    But right now in this integration I can't use SOAP, so I need to know how to achieve the same using REST

  • Verified Answer

    +1 in reply to 

    Hi Mohammed Abdullah,

    in my SM9.80 I do not have a closure code field in probsummary. But you might try this JSON Body format : 

    POST http://<ip>:<service port>/SM/9/rest/incidents/<IMnumber>/action/update

    for example



    "Incident": {
    "resolution": [
    "This is solution line 1",
    "This is solution line 2"
    "ClosureCode": "Resolved Successfully"

    Best regards,


    Heike Ulshoefer
    Lead Premium Support Engineer
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  • Suggested Answer

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    Hi Heike Ulshoefer,

    Thank you very much for your reply, I have tried it and it is working 



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    Hi Mohammed,

    sounds good. 

    Could you please click on "More" - "Verify Answer" to mark my answer with the POST as verified answer ? 

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    If an answer to your question is correct, click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button. The answer will now appear with a checkmark. Please be sure to always mark answers that resolve your issue as verified. Your fellow Community members will appreciate it! 

    Best regards,


    Heike Ulshoefer
    Lead Premium Support Engineer
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