I'm in the process of upgrading the suite from version 2022.05 to 2022.11. I've downloaded the images according to the directions in the documentation using a separate download Linux machine.
After the download completed, I tried to upload the images to the local registry, but then I encountered an error: "no image found in manifest.json".
Upon checking, I found that the 'manifest.json' file that was downloaded along with the images contained just an empty json array: "[ ]".
Additionally, during the download, I encountered the following errors:
- "cannot create fifo 'mulfifo'"
- "Protocol error"
Below is the terminal output for the first two images (the same errors occurred for the later images):
Downloading image [1/78] registry-1.docker.io/hpeswitom/itom-itsmax-base-infra-xmpp: ...-mkfifo: cannot create fifo 'mulfifo': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove 'mulfifo': Text file busy
-./downloadimages.sh: line 664: /install/202211/202211-images-download//hpeswitom_itom-itsmax-base-infra-xmpp: Protocol error
Downloading image [2/78] registry-1.docker.io/hpeswitom/itom-virtual-agent-nlu:2.0.0-2022.11.06 ...|mkfifo: cannot create fifo 'mulfifo': File exists
rm: cannot remove 'mulfifo': Text file busy
\./downloadimages.sh: line 664: /install/202211/202211-images-download//hpeswitom_itom-virtual-agent-nlu:2.0.0-2022.11.06.tmp: Protocol error
I tried downloading the images again from a different machine, but the same errors and empty manifest.json file appeared. The Linux version on the download machine is RHEL 8.9.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance