Sequential Number in New Custom Table

hi Experts,

I need your help please.

I am new to SMAX so please excuse my ignorance Slight smile

I am trying to create a new table and when i reach the Primary Key Define, there are 3 options: 
- No primary key
- Use 'Display Label' field
- Create new field

and no matter what we do, the ID field is created and Display label is set as a primary key or mandatory.

This table that i am creating is used for reporting and data shouldn't be unique (display label or anything) we can have multiple records having the same values.

My question is, is there a way to configure a sequential number to add it to the display label or id field for that particular table? for example the structure will be "prefix" + last value + 1

For example the ID field for the first record will be Rep1
For the second record it will be Rep2
for the third record it will be Rep3

Please let me know.


  • Verified Answer


    Hi Ulto,

    I think here it depends how you want to implement this table. Basically from what you are suggesting you don't really require a Primary Key. So you can let SMAX generate an Id for you. If you use Display Label then yes this field needs to be unique which is were you'll need to setup rules in order to make sure you can keep some form of naming convention. Otherwise you use a custom field and set that to work in a similar manner.

    As you don't really care about having a unique display label I'd go for using No Primary key. Then you can create as many reports as you'd like having the same value. Just like you could for the Request or Change modules.

    I'm not sure you really want to go to the length of trying to create your own Id field and use concat rules to add number sequences if you don't have too. Maybe just let SMAX handle the Id field numbers knowing they will be unique. Then enter the relevant Display Label for that Report record. Here is an example of what I mean:

    As you can see there is two records and both are called Network. SMAX auto-created the Id number with No Primary Key assigned.

    Hope that helps to explain it a bit better.

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    Thanks Dave