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join relationship returning not matches

I have a custom CI type (call it MyData for this question) that I am trying to use in an enrichment rule with the installed Software CIs.  The name attribute in MyData contains a Installed Software global id. The enrichment rule needs to match records where the MyData:Name equals Installed Software:Global id. The enrichment actions would update multiple Installed Software attributes based on the contents of the matching MYData CI.

I created an enrichment rule with a join relationship.  However when I calculate the results I get zero instances.  I have verified there are 30+ matches between the two CI types.

Is there something else I need to do?  I thought that was the purpose of the join relationship, to temporarily create a relationship between two CI types.



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    I believe that I have resolved the issue, actually multiple issues.  First, the global ID is stored in the database using upper case letters and preceded by "0x".So I don't believe it is possible to use global id in the enrichment rule.  So I create a new attribute in installed software called "New Global ID" and an enrichment rule to populate it from the global id.  Checking in the database I verified that the contents of New Global ID were stored as a standard text string. The second issue was that MyData:Name had lower case checked in the attribute properties. So I created MyData:NewGlobalID and stored the global ID (using upper case) there.

    After making these changes my enrichment rule now works using a join between InstalledSoftware:NewGlobalID and MyData:NewGlobalID