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How to query for a datetime in the ucmdb rest api?

In the end point /topology/queryNameWithParameters you can perform a predefined query and add your own attributeConditions to certain nodes.

How do you make conditions for datetime attributes? 

I tried the following json body:

and get the response
    "error": "The following error has occurred:  Value provided for Date attribute condition cannot be parsed. Please consult logs for more details"
I tried various formats for the value that adhere to ISO8601 but none seem to work. 
I would expect that at least the format works, that the UCMDB returns when GETting CI information from the REST API, but no. 
  • Suggested Answer



    I got it working a while back using the following (epoch format) :

    "attributeConditions": [
           "attribute": "last_modified_time",
            "operator": "greaterThanOrEqual",
            "value": "1684706400000"
           "attribute": "last_modified_time",
           "operator": "lessThan",
           "value": "1684792800000"
    Hope it helps.