How can We get Ci Details using IP Address

Hello Opentext Experts 

we need to integrate the ucmdb with a compliance manger Application 

the use case is to get the Ci Details using the any IP Address which a belong to this CI , 

we're trying to  get he Ci details using the REST API  "POST /exposeCI/getInformation"  but you must pass the Ci ucmdb ID to the Endpoint header , we need to get the Ci information using any IP Address which belongs to the CI.

Any recommendations Please , if any one have a knowledge How can we get CI details Directly from the ucmdb External SQL database , please clarify ..?

thanks and Best Regards


  • Verified Answer


    Dear Ahmed,

    If you will use SQL query instead of REST API, there should be VIEWs in the UCMDB's external database NODE_1, CONTAINMENT_1, IP_ADDRESS_1  and I think you can execute the following SQL query to get required information. You can modify the query as your requirements. 

    Hope it helps...

    SELECT NODE.A_NAME as hostname, IP.a_name as ip


    WHERE IP.cmdb_id = rel.end2_id and NODE.cmdb_id = rel.end1_id

    Kind regards,
