Could not link query nodes in query/TQL

Hi All,

Has anyone experienced issue where you could not link query nodes when creating a query/TQL in Modelling Studio, Impact Analysis Manager and Enrichment Manager?

There are four type of relationship wizards, Add Relationship, Add Join Relationship, Add Compound Relationship and Add Calculated Relationship in Modelling Studio.

If I tried to link two ConfigurationItem query nodes, only the Add Join Relationship wizard can be loaded. No add relationship wizard is loaded when I select the other three wizard. The same behaviour happens when I tried to link BusinessApplication-Node, BusinessApplication-CiCollection, Node-RunningSoftware and I am sure there will be other combinations.

However, the relationship wizards except Add Compound Relationship work as normal when I tried to link Node and NodeElements.

This UCMDB instance has two customers. This behaviour only happens in Customer 1. I can link any CIType when creating a query in Customer 2.

UCMDB version is 23.4.

I could create query yesterday. I am not sure whether there is any change has been made within UCMDB and I could not find anything on any of the log file.

Thank you.

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    I should add, this behaviour also happens to my colleague. He logged on to UCMDB via the UCMDB Windows client on his computer.

  • +1   in reply to   

    What are the permissions of your user?  Are you logged in as an admin?  It sounds like you are lacking permissions.  I can see this when in modeling studio linking 2 ConfigurationItem CI types:

    But I am logged in as 'admin'.  To view your permissions, in the UCMDB Local Client, navigate to the Security section -> Users and Groups... then click on your user and select the 'permissions overview' tab.

    -- Hope this helps!

    Keith Paschal

    UCMDB Worldwide Support Lead

  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to   

    Hi Keith,

    Thank you for your reply.

    The issue is not because of permission. I was logged on as a user with SuperAdmin access.

    It turns out that it is because a custom calculated relationship was deleted.

    Here are the steps to reproduce the behaviour.

    1. Create a new calculate relationship

    2. Create a new query and ensure the new calculated relationship is available to select

    3. Now, delete the new calculated relationship from CI Type Manager

    4. Go back to Modelling Studio and try to link two elements on the query.

    Results: the Add Relationship, Add Compound Relationship and Add Calculated Relationship wizard could not be loaded. Only the Add Join Relationship wizard works.


    Solution#1: restart UCMDB Server

    Solution#2: execute reloadClassModelFromPersistency JMX operation.