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Knowledge Doc: backup_manifest class model validation error: The Attribute (backup_manifest) exceeds the size limit.


When VMware Discover is ran and vmware_snapshot is discovered there is a chance that attribute backup_manifest may fail with class model validation due to exceeding the attribute size limit. Caused by: com.mercury.topaz.cmdb.shared.classmodel.exception.ClassModelValidationException: [ErrorCode [110] class model validation error] validation error occured, class [vmware_snapshot]. Error in properties type validation : property's value [(string-backup_manifest: has exceeded the size limit of the attribute [attribute: name [backup_manifest] type [string] isFactory [true] isUserUpdated [false] default value [] size limit [100]]


The issue is noticed on Content Pack 2023.02 as this is a new attribute


When discovering a Virtual Machine and the vmware_snapshot is discovered there is a chance that attribute backup_manifest may fail with class model validation due to exceeding the attribute size limit

Caused by: com.mercury.topaz.cmdb.shared.classmodel.exception.ClassModelValidationException: [ErrorCode [110] class model validation error]
validation error occured, class [vmware_snapshot]. Error in properties type validation : property's value [(string-backup_manifest: has exceeded the size limit of the attribute [attribute: name [backup_manifest] type [string] isFactory [true] isUserUpdated [false] default value [] size limit [100]]

The Attribute (backup_manifest) exceeds the size limit. The size limit of the value is 100 OOTB, in one case the value was 106 and another 120.

Read the full knowledge article for resolution


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