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Knowledge Document: UCMDB containerized pods are down with error


UCMDB containerized pods are down with error: An IOException exception occurred while doing a POST to Restful WebService with message, 'Connection refused (Connection refused)'

UCMDB cannot connect to the DB on startup because there is an issue with it: ERROR [Starter for "framework" (during Writer server startup). (customer 1, id name: Default Client)][] (:) - [com.hp.autopassj.core.license.lms.LMSClientManager : LMSClientManager.getLock()] :: An IOException exception occurred while doing a POST to Restful WebService with message, 'Connection refused (Connection refused)'


UCMDB containerized (Not version specific)


ERROR  [Starter for "framework" (during Writer server startup). (customer 1, id name: Default Client)][] (:) - [com.hp.autopassj.core.license.lms.LMSClientManager : LMSClientManager.getLock()] :: An IOException exception occurred while doing a POST to Restful WebService with message, 'Connection refused (Connection refused)'

A portion of the pods is down



The DB record for UCMDB port is changed incorrectly


1. Run as it will diagnose any problems with network connectivity between the pods.
2. Check the https connections port in the DB, execute query:

select * from urm_resources where resource_id = 'jetty.connections.https.port';

3. The output of this query should be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:globalSetting xmlns:ns2="">;

If the port is not 8443, please change it to 8443.
4. For Postgres the query should like like this:

UPDATE urm_resources SET text_data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:globalSetting xmlns:ns2="">;
</ns2:globalSetting>' WHERE resource_id = 'jetty.connections.https.port' RETURNING *;

This will update field and return it with the new value so you can see it.

If this does not solve the problem, please open a support ticket referencing this case.​​​

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