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Meet Our Fall 2021 Featured Knowledge Partner: Kevin Boyle

by in Welcome

Congratulations to our Fall 2021 Featured Knowledge Partner, Kevin Boyle, IT Specialist! 

 Our fall featured Knowledge Partner is Kevin Boyle, with more than 50 years of experience in his field. Kevin specializes in the Micro Focus GroupWise suite and Open Enterprise Server. As our September featured Partner, Kevin gives insight into his expertise and experience with our newly renovated Community.

(Answers have been edited for length and clarity.)

Tell us about yourself and your experience.

In 1965, I got a job with an airline servicing computers used for the airline’s flight simulators. A couple of years later, I was introduced to my first digital computer and to programming.

I soon transferred to the data processing department as a programmer, and then was quickly promoted to the systems group as a junior systems programmer. Alas, that position only lasted about six months when my boss quit. Once again, I was reassigned as the systems programming supervisor responsible for maintaining the airline's computers.

In 1975, I left the airline and started my career as a consultant. Over the next fifteen years, primarily in large enterprises, I undertook a series of engagements dealing with all aspects of application development and database design/support. In 1990, I began to focus more on small businesses becoming a reseller and Novell business partner. It was during this period that I gained experience with NetWare, GroupWise, and BorderManager.

How long have you used Micro Focus products? What are the primary products you use and why?

I became a Novell customer around 2000. I purchased the Novell Small Business Suite and now run the Micro Focus Open Workgroup Suite. It provides everything I need as a “one-man” organization and I find it to be an extremely cost-effective solution.

How long have you been a Micro Focus Community Knowledge Partner? Why did you first decide to join the program?

I joined the KP Program when I was invited in 2011. It provided additional visibility and recognition for work I was already doing in the forums.

How do you help the Community as a Knowledge Partner (i.e., what forums do you help answer questions in, do you submit tips, etc.)?

I spend most of my time in the Team Collaboration and Endpoint Management Community forums. That is where my expertise lies and where I can provide the greatest assistance to other community members. I also use every opportunity to offer suggestions to Product Management on how products can be enhanced and improved for everyone's benefit.

I really enjoy working behind the scenes with Community Management to identify and resolve issues that will, hopefully, make the Community more enjoyable for everyone.

Are there any recent projects you have worked on that you would like to mention?

I'm currently engaged in a major infrastructure upgrade for a small business I support. It occupies most of my time. I love it!

What else can you tell us about yourself and your activities outside the community?

These days, despite the Covid restrictions, I seem to have little free time. There is always something to do. The little I do have; I enjoy spending with family and grandkids.

About the Program

The Micro Focus Community recently launched our Featured Knowledge Partner Program. Each month, we highlight a Knowledge Partner and their outstanding contributions to the Community, their background, and their experiences with Micro Focus products.

The Knowledge Partners Program is a combination of customers, partners, and enthusiasts who deliver the best, most up-to-date, real-world experiences and expertise to the community that even we at Micro Focus cannot always match. We are thrilled to be able to recognize these community members who provide exceptional value and contributions to us and our customers via the Program through this new initiative.

Want to learn more? Visit here for more information on the Community Knowledge Partner Program.


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